Live stream FAQ

Thank you for visiting this FAQ page. We hope to answer any question that may arise while watching the live stream, powered by LIVESTREAMHOST.
Did this not solve your problem? Then use the contact button, we will respond as soon as possible.
Please note, however, that at the start of the event it can be very busy for us and a response can take a while.
We therefore kindly ask you to first check whether sufficient answers have already been given below.

How can I ask a question to the presenter?

When comments are enabled by the event organizer, there will be a contact form or chat function just below the livestream window. Use this for your questions.
We are only the technical crew, so we cannot answer content matters via the contact button on this faq page.
If you are now watching a replay of the broadcast, there will unfortunately no longer be an opportunity for online questions about the subject covered.

I hear no sound

First check wether the audio is muted in the general settings of your laptop, PC or phone.
Then look for the speaker icon in the player control bar. Toggle it when there is a cross sign aside. You can also change the volume level here.

I want to keep listening when viewing something else in my browser

When the livestream window goes “out of view” by scrolling or going to another tab, it pauses.
To continue listening, click the embed button in the player control bar. A small stream window will then appear on top of each browser tab with sound to listen to.

How can I watch full screen?

To go full screen, double click on the livestream window, or select the full screen button in the player controls bar.
When watching on a smartphone, you just have to rotate from portrait to landscape format.
Full screen option is only available when there is an actual broadcast.

I have an access code, but the return message keeps saying "try again".

When the return message is “try again”, it means that your code is not accepted.
There could be several reasons for:

  • The access code was sent to you by email in most cases. Please double check that you are using the right code.
  • When you copy/paste the code into the livestream window, be sure to not include white space, dashes or tabs etc.
  • Only letters and numbers are accepted. Characters are case independent.
  • If you have received a personal code, it will be blocked if someone else also uses the same code at the same time.
  • When you accidentally gave your code to someone else, please use the contact button for a solution. Please note that at the start of the event it can be very busy for us and a response can take a while.
    It’s best to check that the code works prior to the event. And of course never to pass on a personal code to someone else.
I need to pay for watching, but don't see a payment link

For paid live streams, there may be a direct connection to our payment processor, which gives immediate access after a succesfull transaction.

In other cases, the event organizer itself sells access codes for watching online, usually in combination with physical admission to the event.
Then you will only see the request for an access code in the live stream, look elsewhere on the website for how to obtain it.
Because manual actions are sometimes required to provide the code by email from the event organizer, sales are often paused at the start of the event and resumed when the recordings are available.